Hijama Treatment For Ear Infection

Assalamualaikum, Hijama treatment for ear infections can be a natural and effective way to alleviate the discomfort and irritation caused by infections. We will guide you through the process and benefits of this traditional therapy.

Are you suffering from a high temperature?

Do you have pain inside your ear?

Are your ears stuffy?

Is discharge running out of your ears?

Are you suffering from itching and irritation around and inside the ear?

Hijama Treatment For Ear Infection

These might be symptoms of an Ear Infection.

Do not ignore these.

What Are Ear Infections

Most ear infections clear up within 3 days, although sometimes symptoms can last up to a week or more.

Please very careful about not putting anything inside the ear to clear wax, do not let shampoo or water go inside the ear, do not use decongestants etc

Place a warm or cold cloth on the painful ear. If you wish to remove ear wax, use a soft cotton cloth.

Antibiotics or anesthetic sprays are mostly prescribed for ear infections, but they have many side effects.

How Hijama Treatment For Ear Infection Works

Hijama treatment for ear infections can help relieve infections and helps to eradicate the root causes.

is a Sunnah of our prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Allah SWT has put shifa in it. 

Hijama cupping can help treat hearing loss and its various root causes.

Cupping therapy can be described as a technique that uses cups placed over the skin to create negative pressure through suction.  

Hijama Cupping Therapy Use

Hijama cupping therapy has been in use all over the world for centuries for many musculoskeletal and some non-musculoskeletal conditions.  

Hijama Cupping encourages tissues to release toxins, inflammation and water retention.

Hijama Nation would advise to perform Hijama on the following important points, to get rid of hearing issues…treat yourself and your clients to benefit Insha Allah.

Hijama Treatment For Ear Infection

Hijama Cupping gives your body a boost in releasing toxins. Focused blood flow helps your body by flushing built-up toxins through the lymphatic system. (Your lymphatic system eliminates your body’s toxins and waste.)

With skin, muscle and other soft tissues being pulled into the cup due to suction, this will naturally increase blood circulation to the treated area. The increased flow will flush out any stagnated toxins in the blood as well as attract immune cells to the treated area

Moving, dry, cluster, fixed, and wet cupping can help get rid of some of the root causes of Hearing loss.

Consult a certified Hijama practitioner and book your hijama session. A CHP will design a detailed Hijama treatment plan for you, keeping in mind your medical conditions.

Cupping For Ears

Moving and dry cupping in front of the ears and at the back of the ears can be extremely beneficial to relieve pain, to decrease swelling and to improve blood circulation in the ear.

Hijama wet cupping on the head and close to the ears should be performed to get rid of the ailment and can be a natural treatment for infections.

Hijama Nation would advise beginning with a full body sectional cleanse and then target the ears. Sessions should be designed in such a way that the affected ear can slightly be treated in the 3 week sectional cleanse as well.


In conclusion, Hijama treatment for ear infection offers a natural and effective way to address the discomfort and symptoms associated with ear infections. By utilizing the ancient practice of cupping therapy, Hijama helps to release toxins, reduce inflammation, and improve blood circulation, which can alleviate pain and promote the healing of infections.

Let’s revive the sunnah of Hijama.

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