Assalaam Alaikum,
The following case study is from one of our HNA Graduates Br Suhayl Patel, from Bolton UK. He is now a Certified HNA Hijama Practitioner (CHP) and producing great results.
His patient was a 34-year-old Male suffering from Constipation, Shoulder, and Back Pain and he generally had a low mood with depressive symptoms. He was also a heavy smoker and had trouble sleeping. He had low levels of energy. The patient had many visits to his GP and other Health professionals but he needed a treatment to produce better results. He was familiar with Hijama so wanted to see if Hijama could help…
Constipation is a very common health concern, it affects the young and old. It can be due to food choices, dehydration, medication, stress, and many other reasons. When your body is suffering from constipation it begins causing toxins to build up and imbalance within the other body systems, which then causes further sickness. It needs to be removed and restored to its balance. The best way to do this is naturally. Hijama is very beneficial for this, along with other lifestyle changes.

He had some Hijama Sessions. He was advised to give up smoking or at the least reduce to half the amount. He was introduced to Sunnah foods, and to ensure to have a balanced diet with extra fiber and to increase water intake. He was also advised to try and get on average 7/8 hours sleep a night. He was also encouraged to do light exercise at least once a week.

The patient had amazing results Alhamdulillah. His quality of sleep improved and was able to sleep longer. He was not as constipated as before as he was able to pass his stools a lot more frequently and easily. During treatment, he had also been trying to quit smoking and had cut it down to 4 a day from 10!

He felt a lot more energetic which has increased his physical activity and he feels he has a more positive mood generally. Overall he felt improvement in his well-being. He has also made further positive changes as he has incorporated healthier, fiber-rich foods into his diet.
Below is the treatment testimonial:
“I recommend hijama cupping to everyone irrespective of having any illnesses or not as this is the Sunnah of beloved prophet (SAW). Since my having my Hijama sessions I have noticed I am able to pass stool a lot more comfortably and the pains in my shoulder & pressure in my back have more or less disappeared. For what the procedure requires the experience is amazing and pain free. I definitely will be booking myself in the future to have regular hijama done as I have benefited a lot. Jazakallah”.

If you have benefited from this article, please share it with friends, family, or someone who can also benefit from it, insh Allah.
To find out how you can become an HNA Certified Hijama Practitioner (CHP) from one of the leading Hijama Training Centers and produce amazing results like the above and help others have a fuller life then email [email protected]