The following Case Study is from our HNA Graduate Dr Tasneem from the Bahamas.
Her patient was a 61-year-old female with excruciating pain in her knee for the last 4 months. She would find it difficult to walk short distances. She also suffered from abdominal bloating for one year. She was diagnosed with Gastritis with fatty liver, Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Obesity, and Hypothyroidism. She had been taking two medications and painkillers to manage the pain. Occasionally, she experienced a reflux of sour fluid into her mouth.

She had some Hijama sessions. She was encouraged on dietary requirements to aid healing. Such as fruits, vegetables, barley, and ginger tea with honey and lemon. Also to have black seed oil and fenugreek. She was advised to avoid rice, wheat, spicy foods, and carbohydrates. Also to increase water intake and to walk regularly. Before treatment, she was on the medication: Glucophage 501mg and Thyroxin 50 mcg daily.

After treatment, the patient felt amazing and she felt healthier in general. The pain in her Knee was reduced by more than 50%. By the end of treatment, she had lost 10lbs of weight. Her blood pressure constantly reads 110/70 mm Hg. She was still experiencing episodes of Gastric pain but they were not as frequent which was brilliant.

She was advised to reduce the dosage of both her medications to half of the previous dose. She was extremely satisfied with her treatment and results and was very enthusiastic about advising others to get Hijama done.
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