Assalamualaikumn this guide, we will explain how Hijama Treatment for Oedema can help prevent and naturally cure this condition,
Are you suffering from tender aching limbs?
Do you feel stiffness in your joints?
Are you gaining weight more than required?
Has your skin started to discolour on your legs, feet or ankles?
Are you having problems related to kidneys, heart or liver?

These might be symptoms of Edema or Oedema.
Hijama Cupping Therapy can help treat the condition and help eradicate the root causes, Insha Allah.
Hijama Treatment for Oedema can address the build-up of fluid in the ankles, feet, and legs, which often causes swelling. General puffiness or swelling caused by water retention can occur if your work involves standing or sitting for too long
If Edema is left untreated, it can cause:
Swelling that gets more and more painful can result in problems walking, stiffness of joints, aches and pains, decreased blood circulation etc.
There are effective methods that can be implemented to help prevent swelling:
Reducing sodium intake, frequently elevating the feet, and drinking plenty of water can help to manage swollen feet… but not always and the condition can keep coming back.
Edema is a common symptom of heart failure, but it can also be caused by other conditions. With heart failure, fluid builds up because the body’s circulatory system isn’t operating as strongly as it normally would.
How Hijama Treatment For Oedema Can Be Helpful
Hijama Cupping Therapy can help with different ailments and diseases including swelling in different parts of body and water retention.
On average, the human body contains 50% to 60% water, which is present either in intracellular or extracellular spaces.
Two pathways can lead to edema: excessive fluid filtering across the blood capillaries or defects in the draining of fluid by a network of lymphatic vessels throughout the body, channeling this fluid from tissue spaces back into the bloodstream.
Multiple organs can be involved in edema as the fluid flows through the body, and comes across the organs and if the body systems are functioning properly, fluids should get excreted through the skin, sweat glands, lungs, kidneys, and face.
Hijama Cupping Therapy can flush out toxins and extra fluids from the body.
If a client is suffering from Edema, take the medical history of the client first then design a detailed Hijama treatment plan according to the needs of the client.
If a client has swollen feet and ankles due to Edema, the following Hijama points can be very beneficial, Insha Allah.
Swelling and edema can be associated with injury and inflammation and can hold toxins and fluid.
Cupping can open the lymphatic system to help drain excess fluid and help the body reabsorb toxins through the lymphatic system.
Hijama Treatment for Oedema helps your body reduce inflammation through suction. You can think of it as similar to a massage in reverse
To avoid swelling and pain because of Edema
.Raise your legs or the swollen area on a chair or pillows when you can.
- .Get some gentle exercise.
- .Try walking to improve your blood flow.
- .Wear wide, comfortable shoes with a low or no heel and soft sole.
- .Wash, dry and moisturise your feet to avoid infections.
- .Do not stand or sit for long periods of time.
- .Do not wear clothes, socks or shoes that are too tight.
Hijama Nation will heavily focus on cleansing all internal organs for Edema.
Healthy diet changes will further help get rid of Edema. Eliminate sodium from your diet, avoid salt, sugar, processed food and fast food.
Focus on detoxifying kidneys through Hijama, eat a healthy diet and walk regularly.
Hijama Treatment for Oedema will inshallah treat you naturally Let’s revive the Sunnah of Hijama with us!
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Adeela Aaiesha (CHP)